Friday 14 January 2011

Interactive installation concept

looking at possible layout for a project based installation using the wii contoller to explore a digital artifact.
idea for a sphere project screen (projectors inside base of sphere) this arrament allowers the user to navaigate round the installation in a natural flow.
 different shape project screens.
 This is my favourite layout as the project screen mirrors the shape of the tree which might be the digital artefact. This shape and the shapes in the sketches before most likely will cause distortion to the projected image, should the projected image be adjusted so that it is displayed correctly on the projection screen or should the projection screen be made to accommodate the project image.
 Just a quick idea to stop users running off with the Wii controller while still giving them the freedom to naturally interact with the installation. A bar or hop is surpened from the ceiling, attached to this is a rope which attaches to the controller. Another sketch will need to made exploring the different ways to connect these part together while giving the most amount of free movement to the user.

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