Friday 14 January 2011

Digital artefact : the tree

This is the full view of the Tree. the tree is a digital virtual environment of a tree which has been uprooted and is floating in an dark back space (almost like space but with nothing but the tree). As the user exports the tree thought movement of the Wii controller they see writing under the bark (bits of the bark have fallen off). the writing under the bark could possibility be of child hood menioses or the text from school books reminding them of the act of exploring their environment as a child. I choose a tree because my own menioses of child hood often involved climbing trees, bulding tree houses and dens (which where often under or around the base of tree trunks) and generally playing among the trees in my parents back garden.
 Close up view of the texture of the tree branches showing the written text under the bark. In this drawing the text was taking from random books and magazines.

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