Thursday, 9 December 2010

Xbox Kinect - Interactive installation input decive?

The new Xbox Kinect controller was recently launched this year. It sells for around £130 and allows Xbox players to use their full body as a controller without the need to hold any controller or wearing any sensors. There is three main functions the Kinect performs: Movement tracking, voice recognition and a motor which allows it rotate the main body up and down. T3 has an article on the website which explaines how Kinect works. Click here for the Movement tracking, Here for the voice recognition and here for the motor.
What I find interesting about the Xbox Kinect is that it can be used as a very cheap input device for an interactive installation. With the relative short amount of time it has taken some indulives to hack the Kinect (and program it to perfroum tasks) it cant be long before it is adpted for an interactive installation. I can’t really think of any example right now of how it could be used in aninteractive installation but maybe something like Golan Levin’s Interstitial Fragment Processor where the participants body forums the input to the installation.  
Below: just found this video of Theo Waston using the Kinect as an input device for an interactive puppet prototype, can't wait to see more developments of hacked kinects as an input device for art installations

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