Thursday 3 March 2011

Mudbox teturirng

So here a few screen shots of my model in Mudbox. Really liking the program and i could spend so much more time on it. Aim for to day and tomorrow is to finish the models which is enough time i think. After lunch its just the the main tree trunk to finish then pull the maps from the models.

Wednesday 23 February 2011

Maya 3D model almost done

So here is the final maya model of my tree installation, tomorrow I will be importing it into Mubbox to add a bit of detail and to hopeful UV map it.

Tuesday 15 February 2011


When I first seen this a couple of months ago I thought it would be too complex for myself to build but after looking through the eyewriter website I think I might give it a try, reckon I will only take a weekend. Only thing is am not too sure how I can use it to explore a 3D space.

Eyewriter website :

Abit of research of what Wii controller hacks are out there

This project my Johnny Lee looks like it could be the most useful as 1) its very cheap to create 2) it has elements of exploring a space (a 2D space but hopefully with a little work it can work with a 3D space) and 4) the source code is available on Lee web site.

Heres the link to Johnny Lee's site :

Also I found a blog called Hack A Day which is full of Wii controller hacks, just now am making my way though it researching for any other relative hacks

Monday 14 February 2011

Time to get the computer ready

So my computer been running like something form the stone-age, crashing every two mins and misbehaving plus there is no more disk space left. So the plan is to wipe it clean, divide the disk, install windows to run Maya, Perimere and Photoshop on one side. On the other install Linux so I can use the the Wii controller to interact with the installation.

Not sure how am going to get the Wii controller to explore a 3D virtual space. My frist aim is to get it working with Linux which shouldnt be too hard since there is a few online how-tos. The next step is use the controller to explore a 2D space then 3D.

Some rendered concept art

Few days ago I was pretty ill. Lucky for me my computer is at the bottom of my bed and my graphic tablet at the top, so I hit out a couple of renders of the possible colours which might be used. Am still not sure which colours I will use yet as I have not yet decided fully which direction I want to take the installation.

Research photography

Since I am currently modelling a tree as my digital artefact for my project I felt it was important to grab a few photos to use as ref images, These are all from Dudhope park beside Lochee road. If the light stay good am going to try and collect a few more photographs tomorrow.